
Jodha akbar in gemlive
Jodha akbar in gemlive

jodha akbar in gemlive

Some people are shown in icy area and a lady comes on a horse there with her face covered. The one who can bring down jalal on knees. There are nothing like mercy and peace in that heard. He says jalal is like a lion he can’t be defeated that easily.Ībul mali says he has mind of the fox and speed of a leopard. Someone else whose army has spread all around. He laughs and abul mali I think the bruise has effected your brain. The other one says you have beat a shahenshah not killing is only option. sharif says till jalal is alive its not easy. He says don’t worry you will get all that you want soon. is winning hearts of people is killing me. she says it looks like some one marked to remember it. Maham is covering her face with a shawl when she comes out. Maham says you have to recognize everyone, me and yourself. I won’t give you my daughter, you are here to take her. She laughs and says my daughter how can I forget you. Maham comes to chand begum and asks do you recognize me ? She says no. Jalal says I will find her but who know how will she be till then ? In what condition she would be in. Jodha is there something ? You at least realize and you can do it. My dad’s wife my ammi jaan, I can’t help her. He says not really, I can’t even be good at being a son. Jodha says you don’t have to prove anything. People have given me such a big responsibility. She asks what happened ? You look serious. Jodha says you know Akbar means, big, highest and I am proud that public gave this name to you. he says what else could I do you never agree when I ask. Suddenly she realizes that she has said his name. Jodha says not its Akbar the name the people gave you.

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jodha akbar in gemlive

Can you read it out whats written on this paper ? Is it jalal ? She says no your other name. He says this is amazing when you hated me you used to call me jalal and when you love me you stopped saying my name.

jodha akbar in gemlive

She says shsheneshah I told you we are not allowed to say our husband’s name. He says just wanna hear it once from you. He says you rajwanshi’s are not allowed to says the name of your husband are you allowed to write it ? Jodha says yes we are. She says I have practiced your name writing your name. Jalal says this morning is so blessed indeed. She says I didn’t know you were here ammi jaan. He says you are happy there should be no tears in your eyes. I wished that you could rule hearts instead of just land. Hamida says when I held you first I prayed that you should be the greatest shahenshah ever. He would have bee so proud to see people loving you so much. I wish your dad was alive to see this day. Hamida says I am proud of you and all you ancestors must be too. He smiles and says I will be just jalal for you. Hamida kisses his forehead and says may God give you long life, Shahenshah Jalal Uddin Muhammad Akbar. Jodha says thanks, no what is in Urdu, ‘shukriya’. This is what you wanted to write ? The name that people have given to Shahenshah. She completes Akbar and says this is all you wanted ? Jodha says what have you written ? she says Akbar. Jodha says now ‘B’ she writes it in Urdu and smiles. Jodha says now the second letter is ‘k’, the servant writes ‘k’ in Urdu. Servant says you mean ‘alif’ let me tell you. She asks what were you looking for ? Jodha says letter ‘a’. I learned it but forgot because I didn’t revise. she says its in Urdu should I read it for you ? Jodha says no need to read it. She says can I help it ? Jodha says I am looking for some words int his book. A servant comes and asks you look worried ? She says no its not like that. She hugs him and says I can never do that. He says I would love it if you call me by my name. he says what do they call them ? When their husband is not Shahenshah. Jodha says we Ranjiwanshi ladies does not call their husbands with names. I am your husband and your Shahenshah I will feel good if you call me by my name. She says no, You have done such a good thing. It would have been so good if every ruler starts thinking about you. After this Muslims will celebrate Diwwali with Hindus and Hindus will celebrate Eid with Muslims. Truly, the ones who could never be together, you made them one. I considered you my husband and Shaheneshah till now but now I wanna greet such a good man.

Jodha akbar in gemlive